Listen for Beginners
Basic information and tips that you need

Search/ Selecting Profiles

Congratulations! You are logged in to your Listen account.

You will be automatically redirected to the Dashboard page immediately after your logging. You can use the search button at the top left to switch to a different search.

When you click on this field, all searches and profiles you are authorized are listed.

  • You can directly switch to that search or profile by clicking on the search or profile you want to view or take action on, or,
  • You can access it quickly by typing the name of the search or profile you want from the text writing area.

By clicking the asterisks next to the searches, you can save these searches as your favorite searches and you can access these searches more quickly in your next logging.

You can continue your readings on the Listen page with our Dashboard article.
You may also be interested in the following article: What is Search?